So, as with everything, there are a lot of developments happening rapidly as I get used to playing with this site. Learning how to make things prettier/link them up. 

What I'm most concerned about right now is the navigation. Do you feel like the pages flow well, can you find everything? 

Basically, the way I have it set up now, as opposed to before, where there was just a list of titles, it now has pictures and things. I'm using the fictional characters as our placeholders until we fill these titles. 

Then, each section, King's Council, Realm, Night's Watch, House Lords, etc, has their own page for the current person of that title, then it has another page to keep a running history of that title. So instead of bullet points, we now have nice pics and little bio areas. 

The Create a House feature came out well I think, so I look forward to receiving your House Backgrounds and such. 

What I'd like to see in the future, is eventually a page for each lower house of all the great houses (that are in the game). So on and so forth. Immediate things, just fixing up things, looking for cool photos on the net, etc. 

What would you all like to see?

So, finally got the page hierarchy and hyper-linking system down. That means tons of new pages with ease! 

Each song of seasons past will have its own unique page. Right now they will be available through drop down until a time where an archive will be needed. The same goes for the messenger raven news of the league. 

Each Title and Award page will be broken down into a historical tracking. As they get larger, the tracking will be broken down further.

Each house now has their own history page. This will show the most recent person to have won a game with that certain house. It will show the past winners with that house. It will also show which bannermen you rally. These pages are to represent your earning of the house sigil and the bannermen will represent your earning of the bannermen's sigils. 

Divisions now have their own pages, as well as one big page for all. They also have easy drop down access to the blog feature for each league.

The site has been drastically redesigned for easy navigation, though I think I can still make it better. Another day perhaps.

I think that's the gist of it all for now, as always, comments welcome!

Hi all. This page will be dedicated to any updates I do to the site, or any updates anyone else does (hopefully I'll be getting some Maesters in Training to help with the history of the league). So, please feel free to comment with ideas here and check back for updates soon! If you have any questions on where to find things, or how I can make them more readily available or easy to find, feedback would be great. 
Discussion can also be found here: 

Thanks all, 