So, finally got the page hierarchy and hyper-linking system down. That means tons of new pages with ease! 

Each song of seasons past will have its own unique page. Right now they will be available through drop down until a time where an archive will be needed. The same goes for the messenger raven news of the league. 

Each Title and Award page will be broken down into a historical tracking. As they get larger, the tracking will be broken down further.

Each house now has their own history page. This will show the most recent person to have won a game with that certain house. It will show the past winners with that house. It will also show which bannermen you rally. These pages are to represent your earning of the house sigil and the bannermen will represent your earning of the bannermen's sigils. 

Divisions now have their own pages, as well as one big page for all. They also have easy drop down access to the blog feature for each league.

The site has been drastically redesigned for easy navigation, though I think I can still make it better. Another day perhaps.

I think that's the gist of it all for now, as always, comments welcome!

5/15/2012 12:41:36 pm



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